Food poisoning is sudden and severe, and people know how awful it is. This is an extra effective excuse because it’s untraceable and you only need about a day to recover—perfect for a mid-week vacation! Make sure you sound like you’re trying not to throw up when you call in to really sell it. He has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying, competitive positions.

personal reasons to call out of work

Or maybe you’ve hit a bout of challenges and need to take a mental health day. Whatever you’re dealing with, a personal day could be what you need to stay sane, run errands, and catch up on life. If you’re too sick to get out of bed and do your job, or if you have an especially contagious illness, call out of work. A day away from the office isn’t just for your sake, but for your coworkers’ health and safety as well. In this article, we’ll cover which excuses for missing work won’t raise any eyebrows, and which are likely to make a bad impression. Show how committed you are to the job and how eager you are to return to your responsibilities without overdoing it.

FlexJobs Is SO Much More Than Just a Job Board

No matter where you live, it’s unlikely that an employer will fire you for taking one sick day or calling out of work occasionally. But sometimes the unexpected happens, and you may need to call out of your work.

  • If you’re in school, your education is likely your top long-term priority.
  • This will help you understand your rights and ensure that you’re not violating any laws when calling out of work.
  • Make sure that you clarify to your manager that this is for your pet.
  • This doesn’t just affect parents that need to go to the office, either.

Consider when other people are likely to request days off as well as your job’s busy season. Productivity-related requests, including taking your work to a nearby coffee shop or library to focus, or leaving early after staying in the office very reasons to call out of work late the night before. The more often you attempt to leave early, the more difficult it will be to do so without criticism, whether or not your reasons are valid. Ultimately, you should be honest about why you want or need to leave early.

You have a last-minute doctor’s appointment.

Explain what happened to your employer but don’t elaborate further if you don’t feel like doing so. Similarly, if you give vague excuses for missing work, your boss may see you as unprofessional and lacking integrity, which may bring severe consequences in the long run.

personal reasons to call out of work

If your pet has an emergency, that’s certainly an acceptable excuse to call out of work. Your dog might’ve gotten into the trash and potentially eaten something poisonous. Or you need to take a pet to a surgical procedure or some other type of appointment. Some companies have a formal bereavement leave policy to cover death in the family, so be sure to check your employee handbook for guidelines.

What to Do When You Need to Take an Emergency Leave

Situations could arise where all the measures listed above could fail. If this behavior continues, it is bound to harm your co-workers. Having a good PTO policy can be a major factor in attracting talent for a firm. It will also increase employee productivity and employee engagement.

A company/boss will not want you in the office if you’re sick and possibly contagious. When making an excuse to get out of work, honesty is always the best rule of thumb to follow. It can breed distrust and harbor discontentment that can impact your level of performance and the synergy you have with your boss and co-workers. As long as you are honest with your boss, have a valid reason, and miss work infrequently, you should not have a problem calling out from work for important matters.

You’ve got out-of-town visitors.

Although some people might find work to be a much-needed distraction during times of loss, there’s a good probability that your work performance will suffer. It’s better to take the time you need to grieve before jumping back into your professional responsibilities. That way, you can focus on your health without worrying about catching up with work later. But when you’re working from home and don’t have to face an hour in anxiety-inducing traffic, pushing through your headache may feel more doable.

How do you make a last minute excuse?

  1. 1 You're not feeling well.
  2. 2 You have to work late.
  3. 3 You need a mental health break.
  4. 4 You don't have transportation.
  5. 5 Your family came to visit.
  6. 6 You have a medical appointment.
  7. 7 You don't have childcare.
  8. 8 You have a household emergency.