About Us

Kodna Solution > About Us

It Support For Business

Fast & Reliable, We Get It Done.

Kodna Solutions is a leading provider of software development and IT solutions company.

We have a solid track record as an offshore Software Development, IT, and Cloud solutions provider.

Web development, mobile development, digital marketing, and IT support are our specialties.

Our business structure allows us to produce software applications at affordable pricing, giving our customers the best of both worlds: reliable solutions and minimal development costs.

We've created one of the best outsourcing models available, the "Minimum Risk Model," which is aimed to make the outsourcing process as simple as possible while lowering the risk element in any software development project.

We’ve also adopted the new “virtual IT teams” approach Virtual IT teams can work as an extension of your research and development team. We operate as a software engineering corporation, not as freelancers. (High-Quality Dev & QA Teams for a Fraction of Your Current Cost) This is not intended to replace your present team, but the Extended The virtual Team concept might be useful when you have a big number of Tasks to accomplish in a the short amount of time or when financial constraints prevent you from maintaining a large the team at all times. As a business, our structure allows you to be more competitive and adaptable.

Virtual Team

Our Virtual teams are a great way to enable teamwork in situations where people are not sitting in the same physical office at the same time

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Website Development

Seamless application experiences that delight your customers and employees alike.

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Cloud Services

Cloud computing takes all the heavy lifting involved in crunching and processing data away from the device you carry around or sit and work at

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